Quote of the Week

One of the most paraylzing fears of would-be entrepreneurs is the fear of making mistakes. “Mistakes” are inevitable because no one gets everything exactly right all the time. But they should be seen as lessons to be learned from. When something...

50 Unpredictable Places to Travel

Looking for an unexpected place to travel? Whether you’re in your 20s or not, click below… 227K views via StumbleUpon @ http://ift.tt/1JOLoZe Share this:FacebookTwitterPinterestRedditTumblrLike this:Like...

Quote of the Week

You don’t have to be twenty-something to start your own business or change your life. If you’re not getting what you want out of life, no matter your age, you can start by figuring out what you want your life to look like. What do you want that you can...

Cool Business of the Week

I learned about Houndscaping from a car magnet in a supermarket parking lot recently. These guys design and install backyard playscapes for active dogs. Share this:FacebookTwitterPinterestRedditTumblrLike this:Like...

Dealing with Challenges in Changing Your Life

One of my favorite self (and business) improvement books is Michael Bungay Stanier’s Get Unstuck & Get Going. You can flip to any page and find a thought-provoking quote, story, or model that can shed light on how you think about a challenge you’re...
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