One of my favorite self (and business) improvement books is Michael Bungay Stanier’s Get Unstuck & Get Going. You can flip to any page and find a thought-provoking quote, story, or model that can shed light on how you think about a challenge you’re facing. Page 1 asks questions that my coaching is based on: “What are you saying Yes to? What do you want to say Yes to?”

Just after my divorce was finalized and I lost a job (no, seriously, these happened within a span of five days), I had a lot of time to think about what I want in life. I realized that, for a long time, I hadn’t been saying yes to a lot of things I wanted. And that there were new things I wanted to try. That’s when I started to say yes to things I never thought I’d do, including self-employment.

What are you putting up with in your life that you don’t want? What do you want instead?

If you feel that my coaching programs can help you get started in a new direction or keep going and make real progress, I invite you to call 512.699.4286 or email so we can talk about how a customized program can work for you.

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